NewsKünftige SonderausstellungThe Treckpast special exhibitionUnser Mut. Juden in Europa 1945–48current gallery exhibitionTextile MemoriesSeason's Greetings 2024A Friendship Across BordersChanged opening hours over the public holidaysaudio and tactile tourAudio and tactile tour: Displacement and expulsion of the Germansaudio and tactile tourAural and tactile tour: A European history of forced migrationnew releasesCatalogue of the permanent exhibitionphoto tourGuided tour: Moving Images – A Tour of Displacement and Photographyfilm workshopTracing Homepast gallery exhibitionCurrent Gallery-Exhibition: Forced Labour in the Donbas 1945 – A DiaryWorkshop for children during the holidaysWorkshop for children during the autumn holidays: Music unites cultural programChildren'sCultureMonthstorytelling caféStorytelling café: Focus on "displacement and education"past gallery exhibitionPast: Gallery-Exhibition FluchtWege cultural programInternational Museum Daycultural programOpen House at the Documentation Centrepast special exhibitionPast: Special-Exhibition Becoming who you are – studying despite displacementpast gallery exhibitionPast: Gallery-Exhibition Rushnyk – The Disasters of Warholiday workshopHoliday workshop: Rap connects - what connects uspublic tandem tourPublic Tandem Tour: Strong and vulnerable - women on displacementarchives dayDay of the archives: Motto - food and drink new illustrationsIllustrations about stories of Displacement at the Documentation CentreMovie screening and discussionMittwoch, 31. Januar 2024, 19:00 – 21:00The Ice Cream Sellerspast gallery exhibitionPast: Gallery-Exhibition Traces of MemoryMovie screening and discussionMittwoch, 17. Januar 2024, 18:00 – 20:30Ensilumi (Any Day Now) Season's Greetings 2023Happy holidaysMovie screening and discussionDonnerstag, 21. Dezember 2023, 19:00 – 21:00Compass of Memorybook presentation and conversationDonnerstag, 07. Dezember 2023, 19:00 – 20:30“The Wormwood Christmas Tree”book presentation and conversationDonnerstag, 30. November 2023, 19:00 – 20:30When Democracy Died – The Treaty of Lausanne and the Birth of Turkey 1923education & mediationWe Refugeeseducation & mediation85 years ago: Terror against Jewish life in GermanyMovie screening and discussionMittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023, 19:30 – 21:30Human Rights Film Festival Berlinpast gallery exhibitionPhoto exhibition I'm not a victim, I'm a survivorbook presentation and conversationMittwoch, 13. September 2023, 19:30 – 21:00„Beyond Borders. Afghan Resilience in Europe“past gallery exhibition"City of Refuge" by The Krankbook presentation and conversationMittwoch, 27. September 2023, 19:00 – 20:30„Irene Langemann: Das Gedächtnis der Töchter“cultural programLong Night of the Museumspresentation, Movie screening and discussionAccompanying programme to the exhibition "Our Courage. Jews in Europe 1945‒48" education & mediation#LightsAgainstDarkness - Nationwide event on Holocaust Remembrance Day 27 January 2023presentation, education & mediationInternational Conference "The Politics of Memory as a Weapon. Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine", 8-10 February 2023education & mediationPublic Guided Tours and Special Tours through the Exhibition cultural programOn 2 April 2023 it's Museum Sunday again!opening hours around the Easter holidaysfoundation newsNew times for public guided tours of the permanent exhibitionfoundation newsAttention: Closing day on 16 June 2023past gallery exhibitionPhoto exhibition I'm not a victim, I'm a survivoreducation & mediationRemembrance for the Victims of Displacement and Expulsion, 20 June 2022presentation, education & mediationSave the Date: Conference, 15 and 16 Junefoundation newsThe E-mail newsletter of the Documentation Centrefoundation newsThe Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation in Social Mediacultural programOur Children's Cultural Month Programme October 2022Documentation & ResearchInternational Conference The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine. Call for Papers (until 20 Oct 22)panel conversationPanel Discussion: Cities of Migrant Solidarity: An International Dialogue, September 1, 2022cultural programLong Night of Museums August 27, 2022 - Our Programmpresentation and discussionTo the Recording of the Event "A New Start in Germany. Border Crossings in Berlin" from 5 May 2022, 7 p.m.Music, book presentation and conversationTo the recording of the event "Odessa's heart must beat on. An evening for Ukraine" from 3 May 2022, 7 & mediationContinuing Education for Teachers and Multipliers, 4 May 2022, 4-6 pmpresentation and discussionTo the Recording of the Eyewitness Talk with Abraham Ben from 31 March 2022, 7 p.m.past gallery exhibition, VernissageRecording of the Exhibition opening "Our Courage. Jews in Europe 1945‒48" from 30 March 2022, 7 pmbook presentation and conversationAufzeichnung der Buchpremiere mit Natalie Amiri vom 16. März 2022 book presentation and conversationAufzeichnung der Buchpremiere mit Lutz C. Kleveman am 15. März 2022 book presentation and conversationAufzeichnung der Buchpremiere mit Christiane Hoffmann vom 21. Februar 2022 film workshopKurzfilmreihe "Regionale Erinnerungskulturen"education & mediationNachruf Nikola Makfoundation newsBesuch der dänischen Königin Margrethe II. und Kronprinz Frederik im Dokumentationszentrumworkshop, education & mediationDeutsch-Dänischer Workshop: Telling Refugees' Storiesfoundation newsKooperationsvereinbarung mit dem künftigen dänischen Flüchtlingsmuseum FLUGT in Oksbølfoundation newsDer Georg Dehio-Preis wird im Oktober im Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung verliehenfoundation newsDer Buchshop im Dokumentationszentrum hat geöffnetfoundation newsDer Besuch der Bundeskanzlerin im Dokumentationszentrumfoundation newsDie Aufzeichnung des Festaktes zur Eröffnung des Dokumentationszentrumsfoundation newsAm 23. Juni 2021 öffnet das Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung für das Publikumfoundation newsPressekonferenz zur Eröffnung des Dokumentationszentrums am 16. Juni 2021
Workshop for children during the holidaysWorkshop for children during the autumn holidays: Music unites
book presentation and conversationDonnerstag, 07. Dezember 2023, 19:00 – 20:30“The Wormwood Christmas Tree”
book presentation and conversationDonnerstag, 30. November 2023, 19:00 – 20:30When Democracy Died – The Treaty of Lausanne and the Birth of Turkey 1923
Movie screening and discussionMittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023, 19:30 – 21:30Human Rights Film Festival Berlin
book presentation and conversationMittwoch, 13. September 2023, 19:30 – 21:00„Beyond Borders. Afghan Resilience in Europe“
book presentation and conversationMittwoch, 27. September 2023, 19:00 – 20:30„Irene Langemann: Das Gedächtnis der Töchter“
presentation, Movie screening and discussionAccompanying programme to the exhibition "Our Courage. Jews in Europe 1945‒48"
education & mediation#LightsAgainstDarkness - Nationwide event on Holocaust Remembrance Day 27 January 2023
presentation, education & mediationInternational Conference "The Politics of Memory as a Weapon. Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine", 8-10 February 2023
Documentation & ResearchInternational Conference The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine. Call for Papers (until 20 Oct 22)
panel conversationPanel Discussion: Cities of Migrant Solidarity: An International Dialogue, September 1, 2022
presentation and discussionTo the Recording of the Event "A New Start in Germany. Border Crossings in Berlin" from 5 May 2022, 7 p.m.
Music, book presentation and conversationTo the recording of the event "Odessa's heart must beat on. An evening for Ukraine" from 3 May 2022, 7 p.m.
presentation and discussionTo the Recording of the Eyewitness Talk with Abraham Ben from 31 March 2022, 7 p.m.
past gallery exhibition, VernissageRecording of the Exhibition opening "Our Courage. Jews in Europe 1945‒48" from 30 March 2022, 7 pm
book presentation and conversationAufzeichnung der Buchpremiere mit Lutz C. Kleveman am 15. März 2022
book presentation and conversationAufzeichnung der Buchpremiere mit Christiane Hoffmann vom 21. Februar 2022
foundation newsBesuch der dänischen Königin Margrethe II. und Kronprinz Frederik im Dokumentationszentrum
foundation newsKooperationsvereinbarung mit dem künftigen dänischen Flüchtlingsmuseum FLUGT in Oksbøl
foundation newsDer Georg Dehio-Preis wird im Oktober im Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung verliehen
foundation newsAm 23. Juni 2021 öffnet das Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung für das Publikum