Long Night of Museums August 27, 2022 - Our Programm

70 museums, 700 events, 1 ticket - on 27 August 2022 from 6 pm to 2 am, the Long Night of Museums will once again take place in Berlin and the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation is taking part for the first time - with a programme around our themes, which we present here.
Tickets are available on the Long Night website. Here you can also see the overall programme of all the houses and the connection to the four bus shuttle routes.
The Documentation Centre is located on shuttle bus route 2.
We look forward to seeing you with us that night!
The Programme of the Dokumentation Centre
Short Guided Tours through the Permanent Exhibition and the Special Exhibition
Short guided tour "Ukraine"
The Russian war against Ukraine forces millions of people to flee. Discover objects and stories from the permanent exhibition related to Ukraine.
6.15 pm | 11 pm
Short guided tour "Change of Perspective”
Who actually tells whose story in the museum? Views on displacement and expulsion are often very different. We explain why curating an exhibition is always a question of perspective.
7 pm
Short guided tour „Nation and Nationalism“
What is a nation? Who belongs to it, who doesn't? The exhibition shows how conflicts over cultural minorities contributed to displacement and expulsion becoming a mass phenomenon in the 20th century.
8 pm
Short guided tour "Images of Displacement”
Trecks with ladder wagons, inflatable boats and camps are emblematic of expulsion and displacement. Find out in the permanent exhibition how such images become leitmotifs that shape collective memory and social debates.
9 pm
Short guided tour through the Special Exhibition „Our Courage. Jews in Europe 1945‒48“.
8.30 pm | 10.30 pm | 11.30 pm
Blown Tracks...? The basics of family research
"When my parents and grandparents were alive, I wasn't interested. Today I can't ask anyone." Many people whose family history has been affected by displacement or expulsion are still searching for their own roots today. Staff members of the Testimony Archive explain how such a search can lead to success.
19:00 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 22:30 Uhr
The Al-Farabi Music Academy
The Al-Farabi Music Academy brings children and young people with and without a refugee background together through music. The team of the Al-Farabi Music Academy - consisting of professional musicians, music educators and trainers in the field of music theatre - currently organises musical programmes at 15 locations (schools, community shelters, youth and neighbourhood centres) in six Berlin districts. The Academy was founded in 2016 as a programme of the German Children and Youth Foundation with the active participation of the educationalist Peter Bleckmann, the conductor Felix Krieger and the pianist Saleem Abboud Ashkar and has been a non-profit association since 2018.
Get to know the Academy and its work: Founding member and board member Peter Bleckmann in conversation; musical insight by musician Haymo Doerk's guitar group; solo performance by violinist Sultan Hlal, who joined the Academy as a Syrian refugee and is currently preparing for preliminary studies at the University of the Arts - experience an Adagio in Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach.
The Al-Farabi Music Academy cooperates with renowned institutions in the cultural scene, including the Konzerthaus Berlin, the junge norddeutsche philharmonie and the Zitadelle Spandau. The Al-Farabi Music Academy receives grants from the BMFSFJ, the state of Berlin, the districts, foundations, companies and private individuals.
6.30 pm
Classical piano concert by pianist Ludmila Martsevich, Kiev, Ukraine
Ludmila Martsevich has often played our grand piano in the Documentation Centre in recent weeks. She is a professor at the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music (UNTAM) in Kiev, one of the best-known music academies in the country.
The pianist has given concerts all over the world, including in the USA, Korea, China, Germany and France. A few month ago, she fled the war in Ukraine to Germany. She will give a
concert of classical pieces as part of the Long Night.
8.30 pm
Collecting and Exhibiting
Why do a damaged smartphone and a worn rucksack end up in a showcase? Can a
70-year-old horse carriage be assembled without instructions? How does a Soviet tape recorder get into our exhibition? Three curators reveal the secret of selected objects.
6.30 pm | 9.30 pm | Midnight
Meet the Director
There are many people working on a large exhibition. It's a long road and not everything succeeds. Learn interesting details about the "making of" from our director Dr. Gundula Bavendamm.
7.30 pm | 10 pm
This question occupies the minds of many millions of people around the world who have to leave their homes every year. Most of them are fleeing war and violence.
Have you ever thought about what you would pack? Describe your most important object: The well-known illustrator Doro Spiro brings it on paper within a few minutes.
6 pm - 10 pm
A little break in between? Our foyer is a lounge tonight! There you can relax in a pleasant atmosphere with live jazz and lounge music or enjoy a cool drink.
Jazz in the Foyer
with Yevhen Abin (Ukraine), Saxophone and
Paul Santner (Germany), Contrabass
10 pm - 11 pm
From House to Lounge with DJane Mellowrose
11 pm - 1 am