Save the Date: Conference, 15 and 16 June

Displacement and Exile in Eastern Europe - Power and Paralysis Conference of the German Association for East European Studies – in Cooperation with the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation War, displacement, and exile are once again shaping developments in Eastern Europe. Almost ten million people have fled Ukraine since 24 February 2022. At the same time, Belarus and Russia have evolved into dictatorships. More than a million people have left these countries for fear of political persecution or conscription. The exodus continues.
The Baltic States, Poland, Georgia, as well as Germany have become places of refuge. Old and new exile groups come into contact with one another. The diaspora communities are heterogeneous and dynamic. The refugees struggle to exert social and political influence on their old and new homelands.
In turn, societies in host countries oscillate between solidarity and rejection, political support and a fear of being undermined themselves, while governments in these countries fear losing their ability to act. In this situation, disputes over agency arise at different levels.
This conference aims to shed light on current developments from a variety of perspectives.
More information will follow soon!