When we are liberated

Når Befrielsen kommer / When We Are Liberated / Anders Walter / Denmark / 2023 / 90 min. / feature film / Danish with English subtitles
This Danish feature film is based on real events in Denmark at the end of the Second World War. In 1945, shortly before Denmark’s liberation from the Nazis, about 250,000 German refugees entered the country. Many of them were met with the Danes’ deep resentment after five long years of German occupation. On the island of Funen, Ryslinge’s adult education centre was repurposed as a camp for 500 German refugees. The film tells the story of this transformation and the crises of conscience faced by the school’s head and his family: most of the refugees from East and West Prussia, Danzig (Gdańsk) and Pomerania who had fled across the Baltic Sea were elderly or children in need.
The film was shot at the historic sites of Ryslinge Højskole and directed by Anders Walters.
Anders Walter is a Danish director, screen writer, illustrator and graphic artist. He garnered international acclaim with his Academy Award-winning short film Helium (2013). He also directed the feature films Kapringen (2012) and I Am Here (2014).
Welcome address
Dr Gundula Bavendamm, Director of the Documentation Centre Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, Berlin
Thomas Østrup Møller, Esq., Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. Royal Danish Embassy, Berlin
Film Talk
Anders Walter, Director, Denmark
Interlocutor: Dr Andreas Kossert, Research Fellow, Documentation Centre Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, Berlin
There will be a small reception afterwards.
Entry: from 6:30 pm
Language: Danish orginal with English subtitles.
This event is organised in cooperation with the Royal Danish Embassy, Berlin.