
Escaping the Holocaust. Polish Jews in the Soviet Union (1939-1946)

Thursday, 19. May 2022, 17:00 – 18:30, Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung
Gruppenbild Scharz-Weiß

Escaping the Holocaust. Polish Jews in the Soviet Union (1939-1946)

Lecture by Dr. Markus Nesselrodt

About 230,000 Polish Jews survived the Second World War inside the Soviet Union. The lecture by Dr. Markus Nesselrodt (Viadrina European University, Frankfurt/Oder) is dedicated to the various paths of Polish Jews from occupied Poland to Soviet territory. What was everyday life like on the "periphery of the Holocaust" (Yehuda Bauer) in Soviet exile and how did Polish Jews return to their destroyed homeland after the Second World War? What was waiting for them there? With his lecture "Escaping the Holocaust: Polish Jews in the Soviet Union (1939-1946)", historian and book author Markus Nesselrodt presents this complicated story of escape and survival. Moderation: Andrea Moll (Curator Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, Berlin)

Free admission

An event in the accompanying programme of the special exhibition "Our Courage".

Registration is required via online ticket booking. For your and our safety, we recommend wearing an FFP2 mask during the event.