„Displacement and Exile. The Ukrainian Experience“

„Displacement and Exile. The Ukrainian Experience“
Key note and panel discussion
More than eight million Ukrainians have left their homeland as a result of the Russian invasion. For Ukraine, displacement and exile are not new experiences. The world wars of the 20th century, as well as Soviet rule, forced many people to leave their homeland.
The opening of the conference "Displacement and Exile in Eastern Europe" addresses this experience. In his opening lecture, the writer Jurko Prochasko will speak about the consequences of displacement for those affected, for society and for Ukraine as a whole. In the subsequent panel discussion, Andrii Portnov and Viktoriya Sereda will discuss the historical experience of displacement and migration in its current significance for the country.
The evening will be musically accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Mykola Lebed.
Afterwards we invite you to a small reception.
During the event, the winners of the Klaus Mehnert Prize for the Promotion of Young Scholars and the Karin Wolff Essay Prize, both awarded by the German Society for Eastern European Studies, will be honoured.
Welcoming Remarks
Gundula Bavendamm, Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
Ruprecht Polenz, German Association for East European Studies
Award Ceremonies
Klaus-Mehnert-Preis: Acelya Bakir
Karin-Wolff-Preis: Luisa Maria Schulz
Key note
Jurko Prochasko, Author and translator, Lviv
Panel discussion
Andrii Portnov, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Gwendolyn Sasse, Centre for East European and International Studies
Jurko Prochasko, Author and translator, Lviv
Musical accompaniment
Mykola Lebed
Free admission
An event organised by the German Association for East European Studies and the Documentation Centre for Flight, Expulsion, Reconciliation in cooperation with Tsypylma Darieva, Centre for Eastern European and International Studies.
Livestream of the event via the YouTube channel of the Documentation Centre.